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rest day...time to vent.

Posted on: 2004/05/20, 12:47 PM by: howdiekat
since it's my rest day and i don't have any workouts to record, i'm just going to use this space to vent about how unfair hormones are.

i went to my doctor yesterday and asked her why on earth i can't lose the weight around my lower abs. i told her about my diet and exercise patterns and how i've tried everything under the sun to get rid of this, but i can't. i just wanted to know if something was wrong, you know?

well apparently i have too much testosterone and not enough estrogen. this works to my advantage when it comes to bulking because i can add mass easily...but when it comes to losing the fat around my abs, my body won't budge because that's the only place my body is producing estrogen.

after my doctor explained this to me and saw my face completely fall, she just said, it's a cruel joke isn't it? a cruel joke indeed. with this working against me chances are i'll never get my bf% low enough to compete. as hard as i work i should be AT THE MOST 15% bf. instead i'm hoovering around 25% with every last bit of it hanging around my stomach.

it's so hard not to get frustrated, but i'm just hoping that eventually this hard work will pay off. i can't help but be discoraged sometimes though. even with all of the awesome gains i'm making in strength, it doesn't seem complete when you can't reach that one goal you've been trying to get to for the past 12 months.

anyway, that's my off-day venting, i just needed to write it down. hopefully i can look back at this in a few months and not be in the same situation...
