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My favorite workout, I think...

Posted on: 2004/05/20, 11:31 AM by: asimmer
Chest day, something so macho about it. maybe that is why i like it...
Warmed up by walking my daughter to school , accompanied by the furry cardio king, of course), intended to power walk a bit also, but my dang leg cramped up and got all wooden. Ouch. Tried stretching, tried walking it out, no good. Got peeved and went home and did chest 9that'll show that leg!)

Bench Press - Warm-up 115/12, 135/8, 135/7 140/5 (a little dicey with no spotter..)

Decline cable (well, band, actually) crossovers
yellow+green/15, 2 greens and a yellow/11, 2 greens&a yellow/10

Incline dumbbell presses - 35/12, 40/12, 50/8 (whoo hoo, breaking in those new 50 pounders!!) Arms shaking, triceps failing!

Swiss ball crunches with med ball in front of face (tried overhead, not today!) 25reps/8 lbs 3 sets

Bicycle crunches 25, 20, 20

Stretched. What an awesome workout - I broke some of my own PRs today!
Postworkout yummy - strawberies, blueberries, vanilla protein powder, a little honey..mmmm.
