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Little off track!!!

Posted on: 2012/12/04, 02:02 PM by: Ekhickox
I got a little sidetracked with starting my workouts, already! With getting everything ready for Christmas the idea of working out moved to the back burner. I got myself back on track today, did level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 shred. I did this a while back and really enjoyed it, but had to stop when I got the flu! I like the fact that its a short but effective workout, I don't have a chance to lose interest! Anyway, did my weigh in this morning and set a goal to lose 5 lbs by New Years. Doesn't seem like a lot for almost a month of time, but I need to get back into eating right and working out regularly before I can set higher goals! I also took photos of myself that I want to do every month to keep track of how my body is or isn't changing!
