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Posted on: 2004/05/04, 12:52 PM by: bb1fit
Boy, so much of this is mindset! I was so determined today after yesterdays crappy workout to really get in an blitz legs, really have a great workout. Mind into muscle. Not only did I have a great workout, I set personal records on the leg press and standing calves, not only set a record on the leg press, but did it for 17 reps!!!...and did hams and lower legs all in one workout. Only got one more heavy leg workout the way I got things scheduled, so wanted to make the most of today. The mind is a wonderful thing!!! Use it!


Leg presses(feet shoulder width and medium height)

Leg press(feet low and close)
Sets....590x8,590x6,(last set did partials for 10 when exhausted after 5)

Leg presses(feet high and wide)

Leg extensions
Sets....90x9,90x9,95x8(hold last rep)...got carried away, but felt it today!


Weighted kickbacks supersetted with seated leg curls


Seated plate loaded calf raises
sets....180x15,225x10,225x10 superset with reverse calf raises sets of 20

Standing calf raises with smith machine(plates only count)
Sets....230x20,280x12,330x8(record for me here too!)

Great workout....added a tbsp. of malto to my post workout shake, it was brought to my attention that my PWO may be low in carbs, and upon investigating, am in agreement(thanks OS). Thought about some dextrose, but at this point am leary of changing too much. But today, there is no way anything bad could happen. I was stoked, great leg workout!

We will see what tomorrow brings, but plan to use the very same mindset and have a good one. The countdown is on, and each one is vitally important. Even my boss at work will be at this contest, it is always packed. Have to make a good showing!!
