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Last heavy leg day....

Posted on: 2004/05/12, 12:15 PM by: bb1fit
One more heavy workout to go, tomorrow, that is it! Got through a decent leg day, not a 10, but not too bad for being at the end of this thing.


Leg presses(feet medium height and shoulder width)
sets....590x10,640x10,640x10(no records today like last time!)

Leg presses(feet low and close)

Leg press(feet high and wide)

Leg extensions

Seated leg curls


Standing calf raises(smith machine and step)

Seated calf raises(plate loaded)
sets...180x11,180x11,180x15(wanted to finish up on a strong note.)

Couldn't wait for my PWO shake. Tomorrow is shoulders/bis's and tri's. I usually always have a halfway decent workout here, so I am not too worried about finishing up strong. Friday I rest, Saturday, start the pres's final week plan. I must admit, between the overtime at work and the contest prep, I am wearing down. Will be glad to be done. Looking forward to this coming last week, kind of takes some of the monotony out of it and gives you something brand new to work towards.
