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Kick myself!!

Posted on: 2004/05/20, 09:14 AM by: triciakent
So I went home last night and was absolutely so exhausted and so so so hungry... and we lost power. So I wasn't able to cook dinner, was tired, hungry.. and you know where I'm going with this, I cheated, I had way too many rice cakes w/ way too much peanut butter AND had a small slice of pizza.. now I know I can't beat myself up for that but when I got up this am for the gym and stepped on the scale I was up 2 lbs.. cannot believe it!! So, I figured I can't continue to beat myself up, I didn't have the tools w/ me to be successful last night (no power, no fuel etc) so I messed up.. and today I am trying something new. Obviously with my intense afternoon workouts, I am not fueling my body appropriately, I had been eating my yummy peanut butter, rice cake and whey protein at 10 am, today I am going to eat my one piece of fruit at 10 am, then my lunch, after my workout have 1 rice cake with pb and my whey protein, then before leaving the office at 5, will have yogurt, then dinner, and then I can have my other rice cake w/ pb and a small apple, maybe changing around my snacks won't leave me so famished at night. This is really hard work, training and eating right is really really hard.... at the office I turn around (picture me doing it right now) and I see Ritz crackers w/ peanut butter (those really yummy small ones), doritos.. etc.. and it is only 9:11 AM and my coworkers are eating this stuff. But I'm not.. because I want to reach this goal and have to 1. not beat myself up for screw ups (like last night) and 2. find the tricks and tools that will help me succeed.
I am reading Inner Strength: Mental Dynamics of Athletic Performance, just started it, so far its about how important visualization is, and finding the "kind" of athlete you are and working from there.

Didn't want to get up this am, but did, and wasn't able to do elliptical (only 2 at the gym and both being used) so did 30 minutes of treadmill incline from 6 - 9% level 4.0 - 4.2. Go back at lunch for back, rear delts and step mill.
