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Posted on: 2004/05/21, 12:02 PM by: triciakent
Had brocolli last night and lots of it, got up this morning and my stomach holy cow... that baby was pregnant like..(my journal I can write what I want :-)) Felt awful... but got to the gym, did a good elliptical workout.. 405 calories down, and go back this afternoon for my easy..love it.. chest, arms and step mill day. I feel good today (now that my stomach has gone down)... but am feeling really judgemental.. people around me complain about there weight all day long, and I mean all day long.. and as I wrote the other day, as they are complaining they are stuffing Doritos down there throat... if anything, what I am most definitely going to learn from this is that if your not going to do something... stop complaining.. k, had to vent...

My diet, as I mentioned yesterday, I changed up a bit, took Amy's advice and put some protein in with the fruit. Had my usual breakfast, then had a banana w/ my protein shake (whey w/ water), then had lunch. This afternoon, I have my yogurt and strawberries planned, then dinner. And since I tend to want to cheat at night.. I am now saving my favorite snack for my nightime snack, hopefully that will alleviate any bad desires!!

One week from today I sent bodyweight, bodyfat and pictures to Kim. I really hope to be under 130, those couple extra pounds are taking there sweet time. I have been reading a journal from another girl using Kim and he's having her drop 17 lbs total... like going from 128 to 111.. I can't even imagine that... but then again she is 2 inches shorter than me.. just amazes me.

Have a good weekend everyone!! Good luck Ron!!
