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Good Day
Posted on: 2012/02/04, 12:48 PM
Yesterday was a rest day, did nothing besides a little stretching. Today was a great workout! 40 min spin routine then front panks (3-2 min) bicycle crunches 2/ 30 then on to dumbells. chest press 3/12- 15#(total 30#), french press for triceps 3/12-5#, then alternating bicep curls 2/20- 10#, reverse fly 3/12- 5# (very hard for me!) and front and side shoulder raises 3/10-5#...at the end I was a little shakey- but felt good! after a few minutes of rest, I played around with hubby's ab straps...sooo not there yet- but it helped me to make a new goal, I WILL master those hanging straps and be able to do at least one pull-up! Lots of work ahead of me, but I'm up for the challenge! BTW any pointers or suggestions to my dumbell workout and/or routine would be well recieved and appreciated :-)