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Finding My New Home

Posted on: 2012/03/28, 09:58 AM by: JoannaW
Even if this goes unread, I feel like if I start writing here about my fitness experiences I might keep up my motivation.  So here goes. 

I started thinking about re-joining the world of fitness after 6 months of total laze and gluttony.  I started by amping up my hot yoga schedule again (aka, actually going).  Hot yoga, or yoga in general, has by far been my most favorite form of exercise so this was a good place to start. 

Then I started looking into joining a gym.  I have ZER-O motivation when I try to work out at home.  Especially in the winter when I can't run outside.  I have tried setting up a space in the basement.  I have bought a treadmill and put it in front of the TV.  I have woken up an hour early more times than I can tell you to work out.  But if I am staying home it's just too easy for me to make excuses and slip back in to bed or get on the couch.  I mean, come on, it's RIGHT THERE. 

I contemplated joining the new cheap-o gym across from where I work.  $10 a month seemed unbeatable.  Then I started thinking about my last jaunt in the fitness world where I used the gym at the college I used to work for.  After a few weeks of rotating days between running, and elliptical for cardio paired with the few arm exercises I knew and sit ups I was bored and felt like I was floundering.  I needed classes.  Something the $10-a-month-gym had none of.  So we moved to the next rank.  The chain.  Gold's.  And let me tell you, Gold's puts the G in Ginormous.  Ginormous meat heads.  And their classes were...idk, so manufactured.  Fast paced.  No individual attention no matter what.  I was intimidated and in no way motivated to go back. 

What now?  All that was left (well not really) was to look at the opposite end of the spectrum.  I found a local Fitness Center that was the crème de la crème.  New, sparkling, immaculate and with everything to offer: tons of classes, tons of brand new beautiful equipment, pool, nutrition counseling, and a super nice locker room (as far as locker rooms go).  Why not?  If I am working out, which is my version of hell (no seriously I H.A.T.E. working out), I deserve a nice place.  The nicest.  BAM.  Destination reached.

So here I am now.  I've been a member of this new fitness center-we'll call it CC for it's initials- for exactly 2 weeks.  I've been to the gym a total of 9 times.  Most of which have been in the morning before work (GO. ME.).  So far I love it.  It's a great facility which definitely motivates me to go.  I've yet to try classes.  I'm just trying to get back in the swing of things doing some simple running, elliptical, arms and abs.  Nothing crazy.  Unless you consider getting up at 6am to work out crazy.  Which my husband does. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.  But this girl is getting back in shape.


  • [Former member] 2012/03/28
    It is not going unread. Eat, rest, pick it up, put it down. It's pretty simple. I will be happy to growl at you for slacking off if you ask me to. I am a grouchy old man. It's my nature. I am pretty good at it.