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Fell off the band wagon..

Posted on: 2012/10/23, 04:59 AM by: Katie_44
Well, only a few days in and tragedy has struck! I have been sitting in the emergency room today with my fiancé as he was having chest pains and struggling to breath.

It was a heart breaking experience, and although it turned out to be not as bad as I feared it really left me sad and deflated.

But in a way, it's kind of made me motivated. It's made me feel so low to watch him there but I was able to think "This could be me". My fiancé is a healthy man, slim, tall and although not athletic he wouldn't appear to be someone unfit. I thought to myself that this could have been me, but with my crappy health we may have not had the good outcome we had today (although the results weren't 100% brilliant).

I guess it's really scared me into a giant wake up all, slap in the face if you will to really dive in deep to this new healthy lifestyle and put in 110%, so that he never has to get a heart breaking phone all to say I've had a heart attack because of my weight and unhealthyness.

It's on my friend... On like donkey kong. New life, new mindset, new me :)


  • kolhy kolhy 2012/10/23
    Glad everything worked out. Now get back on that band wagon! Keep us in loop with all your progress!