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Danm, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.

Posted on: 2004/05/12, 11:13 PM by: dave_in_satx
My first workout. Who'd a thunk? At 39, I finally decide it's time to get in shape. I've always been pretty muscular. I took a swim in the deep end of the gene pool. I'm 6'3" and starting off at 228 lbs. I'm not really worried about what the scale says. I've always carried my weight well. The charts always say I'm supposed to weight about 185, but I look anorexic at 185. I want to hit a good, muscular 205 or so. I want to get rid of this gut, too! I have a closet full of size 32 jeans that are going to waste! The hardest part for me will be motivation to work out when I'm sore, and the food thing. I like to eat. Problem is, I eat too much. I have a problem with portion control. I did well today. I think. Now that I think about it, I could have made better choices in what I ate. That will be a battle I'll fight for the rest of my life.

My most important goal is to feel better about myself. I look in the mirror, and I still see myself when I weighed 285. Probably always will. Anyway, I'm doing this so I can feel better and be more myself. I spend too much time worrying about what everyone thinks of my body. That's just stupid. It's my body, and my opinion and my hubby;'s opinions are the only ones that matter. Wonder what he'll say when he finds out I started this.

Time to go eat and shower.
