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.5 pounds left by Friday AHAHHHAHAHHA

Posted on: 2004/05/12, 08:37 AM by: triciakent
So went back to the gym last night for my 30 minutes of cardio... did treadmill 9 - 10% incline at 3.9 speed, and boy was I tired when I got home.

This morning had to force myself out of bed... but went and stepped on the scale... I HAVE .5 POUNDS LEFT... OH MY GOD.. And have to do this by Friday... So I think I am going to try and bump up my cardio a bit more.. I don't know how much more I can do, maybe get in a couple more minutes of hiits w/ each workout, get those calories ramped up. This morning was difficult on the elliptical. My legs are achy from yesterdays leg workout so I really had to push myself, my goal was to lose 400 calories and I ended up being at 410. Only thing left today is the gauntlet for 25 minutes and then I am going to sit out in the sun and read a magazine for a bit.. relax!! I bet to cheat on Friday.. as I keep mentioning.. but if I'm not below 130 I'm not so sure I'm going to want too.. these last 2 lbs are hard to get rid of.
