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To Begin Again

Posted on: 2015/08/16, 04:08 AM by: juliesan5
My body has betrayed me yet again. I see nothing, but this dismal state my body is in. Current pain is disheartening. I don't understand why I can't get a handle on my weight. I am super motivated at first, but it quickly fizzles out and complacency renews. But I have determined to begin AGAIN. I just hope my body will begin to feel better health-wise and pain-wise. I am far from the end of the tunnel. I am so far away from the end I cannot see the light. But I have to start within this darkness and somehow muddle my way towards the light. 50 lbs away......seems monolithic, but you can't climb everest in a day. Step-by-step. And to begin....one must MOVE.
