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Now or Never

Posted on: 2014/09/30, 01:08 PM by: kenmarvi
Did not think twice to get back to the gym after payday. I included the membership on my budget as well as the per session fee. I must act or delays will get me nowhere.

It was all worth it. I missed the sensation of gulping water from my jug to quench that thirst. The tiredness and soreness have that feeling of relief after the workout. The mental stress from work and all other concerns had been converted into energy and then extinguished. After all, how could you think of any other thing while trying to push that last rep?

I am optimistic yet I must be disciplined. I just took the plunge without too much planning - hoping that by regularly doing it, I could perfect it eventually. I did not mind how heavy the weights should be nor if I rested a bit much. I would figure these out later. I aim to build a habit and refine the statistics later on.
