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Day 1: I can!

Posted on: 2014/01/03, 01:31 PM by: jmelgarejo
My purpose for this year was can do something of exercise and lose weight, but owing to my studies that occupy the elder of my day in day out could not aim me to a gymnasium. It is not the first time that try to llevar the challenge to lose weight. The first time that put me, attained to achieve part of my put and lost 10kg, but already we know what happens if you do not keep this routine.So I am the quite motivated as to carry my challenge to cape and achieve arrive to put it. Especially I want to do it by my, to feel me better and know that I can achieve it if I propose it to me by a lot of that cost me.
Today, the first day, and noticed that it costs me but that with strength of will and the help that provides me FreeTrainers with his programs of exercises can do it. So I can say that the first day to been quite satisfactory for my, even that a bit tired. I expect that tomorrow it do not hurt me all, because even so I am had to continue.
